Trygve Skogrand

Wir sind Schmutz

  1. Am I dirty? The naming of a project

    2023-09-20 10:59:36 UTC
    I will start my work in Berlin at the Magnus Hirschfeld Collection in the beginning of November. What this project will be, will become clear first after I have worked with the material for some time, probably even some months. I have been reading and thinking a bit about the…

  2. Schmutz

    2023-09-20 10:54:27 UTC
    “Wir sind Schmutz” – “We are dirt”. Is this how we Queers have been thought of? Is this how we think about ourselves?  I am currently working on an artistic project based on very early Queer history. I will start with a period of artistic research in Berlin, for it…

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