Trygve Skogrand

Am I dirty? The naming of a project

I will start my work in Berlin at the Magnus Hirschfeld Collection in the beginning of November. What this project will be, will become clear first after I have worked with the material for some time, probably even some months. I have been reading and thinking a bit about the project, of course, and it will PROBABLY be about early Queer persons that I discover in the historic material of the collection. 
So what the project will be called in the end – what the exhibition title will be – is naturally very open so far.
But to start this project blog already now, I needed a temporary title. First I was thinking about the early Queer personalities, now forgotten. Not Hirschfeld himself, but more the people who needed his research. «Queer Pioneers»? «Forgotten Queer Identities»? Perhaps, if not quite. Then I thought about my own personal history, of growing up in a polite «Kleinbürgerlich» part of society, with it’s polite surpression of everything about the body, everything that was different, - and the growth into mature power and pride. A bit like the growth from the 1800s Victoriana into the chaotic modernity of the early 1900s. Hm…

Then I read that the German word for Homosexual, «Schwul», means warm. Comfortably luke warm, and that a slang expression used for homosexuals fas «warm brothers», that is «schwule Brüder». For me, both brother and warm are good words, could I think of these early forgotten Queers my own warm brothers?
Then I read about the German censure laws from this time, where gay literature would be stamped as «Schmutz» - and then be forbidden. Schmutz is dirt. And if the stories about us queers is dirt, then in many ways also we as persons are, at least subconsciously, thougt of as dirt. Then: We are dirt. And «Wir sind Schmutz» in German. – OK! This is my temporary title. 
And by the way, - I am dirty too – in case you wondered. Aren’t you?

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