Researching the early queer pioneers

This November I am going to start working on an artistic project based on very early Queer history. I will start with a period of artistic research in Berlin, for it was in Germany the modern understanding of being Queer started. 
I have been interested in the queer pioneers in Germany for a long time, who started the work to create better understanding of people with different sexual identities more than a century before Stonewall. One of these early pioneers was the German researcher Magnus Hirschfeld, who was active in the research into human sexuality early in the 20th century, and one of the fighters for the right for homosexuals to live free and openly. 
So I will start my research with one month’s work in the archive of the Magnus Hirschfeld Gesellschaft in Berlin, I am really looking forward to see what I will find!
The photo is from the 1919 silent movie «Anders als die Andere» (Different from the others), perhaps the first movie about gay rights. Magnus Hirschfeld contributed heavily to the film.

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