Trygve Skogrand

What are we all looking for

I have so far spent two weeks here in Berlin, looking through archives, browsing books, visiting galleries and scanning microfilms in my artistic search in the early queer history. As I work, I come in touch with glimpses of hundreds upon hundreds of lives – individuals searching for freedom, daring to be visible in their search for friendship and love. The scientists looking for the truth about themselves through the safe lens of science. The police trying to control it all. The seekers after lust and gratification. The tourists and voyeurs entertaining themselves with a glimpse of the notorious queer nightlife of Berlin. 

Gradually, I catch small glimpses of thousands of individuals, like forgotten shadows flitting by in a large and very complex picture. 

I travel between archives and galleries, libraries and museums, surrounded by thousands upon thousands of the individuals that make up today’s Berlin. And I think: What are they all really looking for? What do they all yearn for, deep down beneath their everyday business and worry? Did my early Queers long for the same?  

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